Do you like to feel good? Being self-reliant brings a sense of pride. After much work, you solve a problem or complete a task with your own intuition
Self-reliance gives people purpose. It allows humans to provide for their most basic needs by reducing dependency. Society and nature teach us from an early age to fend for ourselves. An understated positive of self-reliance is the confidence people develop from it.
Relying on yourself is an old-school mentality. Yet, there is more to self-reliance than the stereotypical bearded man promoting it.
Find out below to learn more about your old-timey spirit.
Dreams of Self-Reliance When You’re Younger
As a child, you can’t wait until you’re an adult. But then you realize being a grownup is way harder than being a youngster. The bills and life distractions pile up.
Everyone asks you as a kid:
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Relatives asked me this constantly as I grew older. Adults and parents like to dream about their future. They relive their younger years through their children.
The premise of this growing-up question is self-reliance.
What adults are essentially saying is this:
“When you become self-reliant, how will you occupy your time? Are you going to continue your quest for independence?”
Society pushes individuals to assume responsibility. Children are dependent on their parents until they’re 18 years old. After that, they must be self-reliant.
This is not some abnormal phenomenon only present in humans. According to studies, wolf pups stay with their mothers until they’re 7 to 8 months old.
Furthermore, part of the American Dream is parents wanting their children to live better than they did.
Included in this dream is a child’s education. Knowledge and learning lead to self-reliance. And children gain more liberty as they grow.
Ultimately, children, parents, and society’s goals align with an individual’s self-reliance. It is a scientific life progression.
What are the Basic Needs to Satisfy to be Self-Reliant?
Parents satisfy these basic needs for you when you’re younger. Because you must learn how to cope with life. It is a learning process.
And here are the basic life necessities you must not forget:
- Air
MedlinePlus reports humans only survive 4 to 6 minutes without breathing.
Thus, next time you’re in a quiet forest, take several deep breaths. Your self-reliant lungs will appreciate it.
- Water
Clean water is a modern phenomenon. In Western society, boiling drinking water isn’t a common practice.
According to World Vision, 771 million people worldwide lack access to clean water. 1.69 billion people need better sanitation.
Diseases such as cholera and dysentery result from no clean water availability. An interesting historical fact is that rugged individualists along the Oregon Trail succumbed to these sicknesses.
- Food
Food sustains our sweet tooth and our daily caloric intake. Children under 5 are at extreme risk. They carry 40% of foodborne disease liability.
Also, humans planted their own gardens to guarantee food security. Having your own food supply is self-reliance.
- Shelter
Americans across this vast land dream of their castle and place to call home. Unknowingly, you’re accepting self-responsibility and self-reliance to provide yourself shelter.
Don’t forget this is an essential part of survival.
When Can You Say That You Are a Self-Reliant Individual?
To reference our beginning question, self-reliance is mandatory in the transition from a teenager to adulthood.
When you’re self-reliant, you’re investing in yourself. You have the confidence and self-esteem to complete tasks with maximum efficiency.
You’re self-reliant when you achieved the following:
- financial independence
- cook a homemade meal from scratch
- drive a car
- develop your independent thoughts
All these specific examples are a start to self-reliance. You build upon those to achieve your ultimate freedom. Developing these skill sets doesn’t mean you can’t ever ask for help.
It means you try to figure it out first and if unable, then ask. You learn more from trying and not succeeding than never trying in the first place.
Self-reliance is living free and satisfied.
Ultimately, you approach scenarios from a position of strength rather than weakness.
Self-Reliance Tips Articles:
• What are the exact ways to become self-reliant? LEARN MORE by exploring tips on individual self-reliance.
• Do you stared bored at a wall wondering how some people reach their goals? LEARN MORE by reading my post on self-reliant traits leading to the stars. Challenge yourself and take a peek.
A Life of Societal Dependency
No self-reliance equals a life of dependence. This is an easy conclusion to make when you think of self-reliance’s opposite.
Looking around society, we, as Americans, rely too much on aspects we shouldn’t.
Technology as the End All Be All
For one, technology is a crutch we use. Don’t misunderstand me. Computer nerds improved many people’s lives. We thank technology for an increased standard of living.
But technology increases dependency. We’re all guilty of losing ourselves in a screen’s glow, including me.
When you’re able to google any struggle 24/7, you lose your ability to problem solve without access to it.
Part of self-reliance is preparing for the unknown. Foreign militaries do have the ability to jam GPS.
Have you tried to navigate to a place using a paper map?
Attempt it if you haven’t. Make a game of traveling to a destination without a map. It’s fun.
Challenge yourself with a digital detox to develop more self-reliance. Don’t let the little black box in your pocket rule over you like a master.
The Government Dependence Saga
The government social safety net isn’t that old– only about 100 years. Before Roosevelt’s New Deal in the early 1930s, people relied on their families or ingenuity.
Government dependence on social programs is a new norm. If you speak against it, Marxists or other devout statists denounce you. The Marxists want the state to dominate your life.
It creates dependency on benevolent politicians. You’ll rely on them for your basic needs such as food and shelter.
Real self-reliant individuals don’t want people to have that much power over them.
For example, homeowners’ associations evoke unlimited power. You- as a property owner- are dependent on their approval for foolish reasons.
They’ll fine you for painting your fence the wrong color.
Government dependence destroys your self-reliance. You’ll always look to politicians to solve your problems. And many times, they can’t.
Government social safety net isn’t that old…
One aspect governments overlook is to try and maintain a country’s self-reliance. How do they accomplish this? LEARN MORE on why governments should promote independent public policies.
What are the Benefits of Self-Reliance to an Individual?
1. Gain Confidence to Attack Problems
Don’t you love that warm, fuzzy feeling after completing a difficult task? This, my friend, is confidence in action.
No doubt you will face challenges on your self-reliant journey. Yet, those setbacks don’t last long.
Confidence gained from self-reliance gives you the foresight to solve problems. You look at challenges as a source of inspiration.
Instead of the “I can’t” attitude, you have the “can do” spirit.
Ultimately, you see the world differently. Let self-reliance guide you to your version of success.
“I can’t” attitude…turns to “can do”
Any self-reliant person
2. Provides Peace of Mind Enhancing Skill Development
You’re investing in yourself when you develop your strengths. It gives you the ultimate liberty.
Have you wanted to walk away from a job you disliked?
If you have marketable skills, you’re able to resign from the position you loathe. I daydreamed about this exact scenario in the past.
It motivated me to speed up my own development to learn as much as possible. Often, you develop your skills due to frustration.
Discontent is a great motivator to enhance your abilities.
You will lie in bed at night knowing you have peace of mind to change your situation if need be.
3. Freedom Feeling of Making Your Own Decisions
In the United States, we focus on individual strengths. This includes the ability to trust yourself and your choices.
Other areas around the world don’t share the same philosophy. Or do they?
Is Individualism on the rise? Do people reject the collectivist decision making process? LEARN MORE about what the global outlook on decisions and individualism.
Moreover, once you reach adulthood, you receive more freedom to choose your path.
Self-responsibility and self-reliance connect. Both of these ideas combined to aid in your quest to make good decisions.
Self-responsibility gives you a personal stake in the outcome. Why are you required to put down a deposit when renting a house?
Putting your hard-earned cash displays accountability. The renter’s and your self-interest are mutual when you take self-responsibility.
You’re more thoughtful not to punch holes in the wall or throw wild parties destroying property. The deposit acts as a security measure to prevent damage.
Self-reliance gives you confidence as I mentioned above. You’re able to pursue your interests with the knowledge to make good decisions.
Thus, choices have consequences. You must accept and think through your decisions to achieve your desired result.
4. Ability to Solve Problems and Help Society
Self-reliance permits voluntary altruism. If you see a need, you have the resources- as a self-reliant individual- to solve the issue.
Your peers perceive you as strong. The obstacles presented are not a deterrent. But they’re rather a means of inspiration to become creative.
For instance, you see homelessness. What is a solution to the problem?
You implement your plan by building shelters known as pods. Then, you place them on unused land near interstate bridges. Property near bridges is often public land and vacant. This makes it an ideal place for these makeshift shelters.
You saw a problem and invented a unique solution.
Also, the world loves celebrities. You follow them on all the entertainment news channels.
When browsing their Wikipedia page, you notice a section called “philanthropy”. They’re independent, famous individuals who have the means to help others. Having their needs met, they can focus on ways that have a positive influence on society.
Many start their own foundations such as Angelina Jolie’s charity- the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation. It helps save Cambodia’s rural communities and environment.
Moreover, another example of individuals who’ve helped society are entrepreneurs. Many of them receive criticism for being greedy like Jeff Bezos- Founder of Amazon.
Yet, you must look at what someone who starts selling books out of his garage achieved. Amazon revolutionized internet sales and on-demand delivery services. They’re one of the most lucrative corporations in the world.
You’re now able to purchase items from your living room and have them delivered within a day. He helped create hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Other companies saw Amazon’s competitive spirit. In response, Walmart responded with its version of online shopping.
Thus, many of the people you admire are self-reliant individuals. They started charities to help boost society. And you’ve benefitted every time you press the purchase button on
Altruism is a big part of individualism. LEARN MORE by reading my article altruism vs. individualism.
This is the point where you take control of your life. You satisfy your own needs and become a self-reliant individual.
Your dreams start when you aren’t tall enough to peak over the counter. You can’t wait to grow up and decide what you want to be.
As you mature, you satisfy your needs of:
- air
- water
- food
- shelter
Individual self-reliance aims to reduce dependence on government social programs like welfare. You don’t want your life uprooted when the government makes unforeseen system changes.
There are many benefits to self-reliance you haven’t thought of. You develop confidence and skills. With those two, you’ll spark all the changes you wanted.
Your self-reliance is necessary. It doesn’t mean you have to do every activity alone because we are social creatures.
One day you will need the skills that self-reliance cultivates. Why not start nurturing your self-reliance today?
When will you start your self-reliance journey? What are steps you’ve taken to start?
J. Liberty
Fundamental Article of Understanding:
It is crucial you understand the origins of self-reliance. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Transcendentalism are the keys. LEARN MORE by with a sneak preview about individualism’s importance in America.
(MD), B. (2020, June 24). CPR – Adult and Child After Onset of Puberty; MedlinePlus. Retrieved from National Library of Medicine.
Food Safety. (2022, May 19). Retrieved from World Health Organization.
Reid, K. (2023, March 27). Global Water Crisis: Facts, FAQs, and How to Help. Retrieved from World Vision.
Wolf Ecology Basics. (2021, October 22). Retrieved from National Park Service.
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