Sometimes wishes fall short. In this case, a country needs to prepare and consider self-reliance a priority. American companies need to keep their innovative fires burning to fuel self-reliance.
A country’s self-reliance is crucial to its national security. Without it, they’re bound by others’ rules. Constant innovation and energy independence are key components of a country’s sovereignty. Modern events-like a pandemic- highlighted that countries do close their borders abruptly.
Are you wondering about America’s self-reliant future? Let me guide you in what I know to advance your understanding.
A Peak Inside an Interdependent Country
In this section, I will distinguish between important terms. And then we will explore what an interdependent country looks like.
Self-Reliance Vs Self-Sufficiency
Both of these concepts can apply to people, businesses, and countries. We will look at them from an economic perspective.
Self-reliance’s and self-sufficiency’s goal is to obtain more independence. Self-reliance focuses on connecting with others and producing locally if able. Self-sufficiency relies on no imports and depends solely on native resources.
Self-reliance is an achievable goal in any country while complete self-sufficiency is isolating.
If a country produced all its resources locally, it would not need to talk with other nations. The international community would see them as weird.
For example, let’s compare North and South Korea.
North Korea isolates itself from the Western world. As a result, they need to be self-reliant and self-sufficient. But their population suffers due to a lack of infrastructure, resources, and technology. They face shortages and blackouts.
On the other hand, South Korea has no land borders with friendly nations. They’re self-reliant in industries like technology. South Korea still relies on the U.S. for its defense. Their friendly relations with the world help them prosper.
Thus, self-sufficiency limits a country’s ability to improve itself by trading.
Also, these terms differ slightly. Because self-sufficiency focuses on a country’s food production.
The American Farm Bureau Federation provides us insight into America’s food self-sufficiency and local market capabilities:
- America enjoys one of the safest food supplies
- Over 2 million farms occupy America’s rural areas
- 8% of U.S. farms sell food at local markets directly to the consumer
Since we enjoy one of the most protected food sources, America is in a great position to be self-sufficient if need be. These 2 million farms help sustain local food production.
Remember, self-reliance and self-sufficiency are similar terms used interchangeably in many circles.
Yet, self-reliance provides more connection to the outside world than self-sufficiency.

A Look Into an Interdependent World
Looking forward, remember the terms above. They’re critical to understanding an interdependent world.
As an American, you know only a comfortable lifestyle. Others aren’t as lucky.
Thus, you’re used to goods from all around the globe.
Cargo planes flew in your fish from Chile or needed medical supplies from Asia. Your phone allows you to talk to relatives half a world away.
World advancements in transportation and technological infrastructures lead to less self-reliance. In other words, we are dependent on many other countries for basic needs. Self-reliance disappears.
Industries like American manufacturing decline. Because business leaders no longer have the incentive to keep industries local.
In a cooperative world, relying on others is beneficial to everyone’s self-interest.
Yet, this way of thought doesn’t include an alternative if an unforeseen situation arises like a virus. I will discuss more of this below.
A country’s survival includes making plans for the worst-case scenario.
Overall, interdependence is the norm today. It is in a country’s self-interest to acknowledge alternatives to maintain self-reliance.

Self-Reliance- A Core American Value
While we do live in an interdependent world, what are America’s self-reliance core values?
America’s past bred independence and rugged individualism. It sings self-reliance as our primary mantra.
Pioneers’ prominence advanced this self-reliant American philosophy.
Rugged individualists dot the landscape all over rural and urban America. Your local steelworkers, bank tellers, and truck drivers are examples.
Steelworkers maintain the infrastructure. Bank tellers distribute cash to keep citizens invested in a self-reliant economy. Truck drivers transport American goods to supply citizens.
Simply put, the American people should share self-reliance as a core value.
Immigrants landed on Ellis Island in the early 20th century for an independent lifestyle. Naturally, they wanted their new country to be different than their origin.
Once you’re in a different place without family, your only option is self-reliance. Your first task is to find housing and a job to support yourself.
America is a self-reliant nation in the past, present, and future. You and I must be vigilant to keep this reputation on the international stage.
Being known as a self-reliant, strong nation leads others to respect the U.S.
Importance of a Country’s Self-Reliance and Independence
In this section, I will give you some basic reasons why a country needs self-reliance.
Energy Independence- A Country’s Economic Engine
Energy is the center of a country’s economic power. Without a reliable energy source, any modern economy fails. And a country’s self-reliance dissipates.
Goods do not reach their destinations. Factories stop. And the lights in your house shut off. Your car doesn’t run- even the electric ones.
What does this mean for you?
Your basic needs aren’t met. And your quality of living decreases. So, energy independence is important for you too.
The dominant energy source in America is oil. According to 2022 U.S. Energy Information Administration data, the U.S. consumes about 20.2 million barrels of oil a day. We produce about 20.0 million barrels a day.
Currently, we are in a deficit. Oil production fluctuates based on seasons and conditions. Oil wells either dry up or stop production.
Another source of energy is coal. This natural resource primarily runs the electric plants.
I remember driving by our local coal-fired plant. I saw the coal reserve fields beside the plant and the smokestacks pierce the skyline.
This particular power plant provided electricity for thousands of local residents. You share a similar experience in your community.
Thus, we all need energy. Engineers and American companies invest in R&D to satisfy our thirst for it.
Our self-reliance depends on corporations using our capitalist system to innovate solutions.
Green energy is an upcoming remedy. But it is not at the necessary efficiency levels to keep us self-reliant. Solar and wind technology can’t meet the demand of 330 million Americans right now.
Energy independence is a vital part of a country’s infrastructure for self-reliance. It keeps economic innovation engines alive and goods moving.

National Security- A Country’s Defense
Government’s number 1 job is to protect its citizens.
A country that has a strong military to defend against invaders maintains self-reliance. Formidable militaries forge the fires of liberty. They must stand strong like the American Eagle.
How do strong militaries provide self-reliance?
They give the country a backbone by having the ability to exert force when necessary. Power displays self-reliance to foreign adversaries.
Power is an armada of ships, nuclear weapons, and self-reliance.
Moreover, our politicians and soldiers take oaths to defend the United States Constitution. They’re defending America’s self-reliance constitutional principles and values.
The principles are:
- liberty
- basic individual rights
- America’s self-interest
These sacred truths are the basic foundation holding American society together. They provide guidance in securing American sovereignty.
Why are these principles fundamental to self-reliance?
When someone violates this oath, they’re saying:
“I’ll sacrifice the country’s self-reliance for my own gain.”
The oath dictates soldiers and politicians show loyalty to constitutional principles. Because they’re public servants.
In the Constitution, there is a section against treasonous behavior. Traitors that undermine the oath jeopardize a country’s self-reliance.
Overall, national security is maintaining a country’s borders, resources, and cyber security.
Self Reliance Articles:
• While it is important for a country to maintain self-reliance, how do you achieve that in your community at home? LEARN MORE by reading my hacks list on community self-reliance.
• I know you wonder about your own self-reliance. It is okay. LEARN MORE and discover my article on personal self-reliance tips at home.
Covid Case Study for Country Self-Reliance
When Covid entered the world like a bullet train, many countries found themselves behind. Covid checkmated everyone into a corner.
From Asia to North America, leaders reacted to overwhelming circumstances. And many times, different governments overstretched.
Politicians described the Covid-19 pandemic as an unprecedented event– a -once-in-a-century crisis.
Governments instituted policies from closing their borders to cutting off trade. Passenger planes, cruise ships, and cars halted their movement.
As a result of these policies, news channels broadcasted empty store shelves. Much-needed medicines and food became scarce.

I remember people using toilet paper as a weird currency. People gave it value making it an item to trade for other goods.
I took many pictures of empty shelves. Because I recognized the historical significance of early 2020.
What should a country do due to these unforeseen trade policies?
Worldwide countries spent billions to thwart this catastrophe. Massive inflation resulted causing countries to reconsider self-reliance as a priority.
A country needed self-reliance in many different aspects:
1. Economic
Economic data drives modern economies to success. In 2020 due to covid, world trade volumes dropped by 5.3%, according to the World Trade Organization.
Looking at numerous trade graphs for early 2020, you will see a significant dip in trade volumes.
Understanding the importance of this dip makes a country’s self-reliance important. These trade decreases shocked the world.
The only other kinds of events that jolt world trade are: natural disasters or wars. Both cause concerns among governments and populations. In response, self-reliance should rise to the forefront.
2. Food insecurity related to food production and access
Food security remained unchanged for 5 years before Covid. However, food insecurity rose to 9.9% in 2020. In 2019, world food insecurity peaked at only 8.4%, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
In 2020 food insecurity ranged from 720 to 811 million people worldwide. That’s 2.1 times more people than the total in the United States for comparison.
Researchers concluded food insecurity will likely continue into 2030 as a result of Covid.
Thus, being able to produce your own food remedies this situation.
3. Local manufacturing of medical supplies
With any medical emergency, there will be a strain on supplies. For instance, morphine always seems in short quantity on any battlefield.
According to the Peterson Institute for International Economics & CEPR, the following medical items experienced supply shortages:
- surgical masks
- medical gloves
- medical gowns
- respirators
In Europe, Asian producers increased the prices of respirators by some 1250%. The price increase happened between December 2019 and April 2020. Europeans paid these rates due to a lack of self-reliance. Demand outpaced production causing shortages.
The United States experienced similar temporary price hikes.
Yet, a slight difference existed between Europe and the United States.
The United States used the Defense Production Act of 1950. As a result of this action, the U.S. government forced companies to make necessary medical supplies. Companies like General Motors fabricated respirators instead of trucks.
In essence, the Defense Production Act interrupted a company’s normal operations by government mandate. Some regard it as a way to promote self-reliance to focus on priority manufacturing. Self-reliance increased because all the production occurred natively.
Medical supplies are invaluable when you need them NOW!
A country’s success relates to self-reliance. The highest self-reliance aspiration is to maintain a state of liberty and independence. America’s founding included this as a key concept. So, it isn’t new.
Yes, we live on a connected planet. But keeping aspects separate from the world economy makes sense due to a variety of reasons.
Do you like living in a safe country?
Maintaining national security is a great reason to promote independent public policies. A government’s primary job is to keep its citizen’s worries at ease. And national security needs priority.
A more recent example of promoting a self-reliant strategy included Covid-19. That virus changed everyone’s lives.
For those who haven’t experienced a memorable world event, you’ll remember early 2020. Schools closed, businesses failed, and world travel ceased. Countries isolated themselves ‘to stop the spread”.
Self-reliance became the only means of survival for some.
If medical supplies failed to arrive, what would you do? Improvise and adapt to the changing circumstances.
In conclusion, self-reliance is a shadow strategy of many governments. There are plans like the Defense Act of 1950 that many forget. Governments pull out this dusty piece of legislation from the Congressional drawers.
Self-reliance allows governments to navigate uncertainties when they arise. We want to rely on ourselves for the important aspects- not the big international economic system.
What does a world without self-reliance look like?
J. Liberty
Fundamental Articles of Understanding
• When self-reliant individuals are frustrated, they take action like Ralph Waldo Emerson. LEARN MORE about the gravity of self-reliance in American culture with this important post.
• Self-reliance relates to individualism. LEARN MORE of the positives and negatives of individualism.
Fast Facts About Agriculture & Food. (2021). Retrieved from American Farm Bureau Federation.
How Much of the Crude Oil Produced in the United States is Consumed in the United States? (2023, March 29). Retrieved from U.S. Energy Information Adminstration.
How Much Oil is Consumed in the United States? (2023, March 27). Retrieved from U.S. Energy Information Administrations.
Self-Reliance. (2023, June). Retrieved from Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries.
Self-Sufficiency. (2023, June). Retrieved from Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries.
The State of Food Security and Nutrition the World in 2021: The World is at Critical Juncture. (2021). Retrieved from Food and Agriculture of the United Nations.
World Trade Primed for Strong but Uneven Recovery After COVID-19 Pandemic Shock. (2021, March 31). Retrieved from World Trade Organization.
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