Staring at yourself in the mirror is fun if you admire your mind, body, and spirit. But what if you loathe it? Then, you don’t like your individuality and how it fits into the broader world we call society.
Individuality is a defining characteristic of the individualism political ideology. Both emphasize uniqueness and independence. They work in tandem influencing culture, politics, and economics. The individual and their contributions rank number one in importance.
I’ll include a list of tips on how to build individuality since it is worth celebrating. Navigating United States culture is daunting. We show how individualism’s involvement in daily life.
Let’s go learn…
Connection of Individuality and Individualism
What is individuality?
According to Merriam-Webster, individuality is characteristics you use to separate yourself from others.
For instance, the actions represented below help to distinguish you:
- wear various clothes
- eat distinct foods
- listen to unusual music
- Think groundbreaking thoughts
You develop these traits throughout your lifetime. Your 15-, 25-, and 45-year-old selves will not be the same. Life experience and knowledge adapt to ever-changing circumstances.
As you develop, you’re less swayed by fears and doubts. You gain confidence to blaze your trail.

Identity vs Individuality
Also, I’ll address the difference between individuality and identity.
Merriam-Webster defines “identity” as:
“Sameness of essential or generic character in different instances”
In other words, these are external descriptions of you. Here is how you’re identified:
- Facebook or Instagram accounts
- Social Security number
- Physical attributes
- Hair color
- Eye color
Have you ever heard the term “identity politics”?
Politicians often use physical attributes such as race to divide groups of people. They use their specific set of external traits to define them.
Thus, think of identity more like a physical trait rather than your inner self.
Relation to Individualism
Finding your individuality originates from individualism. Don’t the words look similar?
As a reminder, individualism is a political ideology stressing uniqueness and autonomy.
If you don’t consider yourself a free spirit, I’m telling you to reconsider. Googling “where is my individuality” points to the fact that you are.
Wanting the opposite is collectivism. You have no distinguishing traits in those cultures. You’re quiet and do what you’re told.
Your desire for independence affects society because it is the premier philosophy in America. It’s okay. Accept it.
Ways We Celebrate Individuality and Its Importance
Every man, woman, and child are unique creations. And this means YOU MATTER. How should you honor your individuality?
Celebrating individuality stresses the diversity of a culture and its people. It recognizes the hardships and triumphs through the past, present, and future. Ways to cherish originality include focusing on children, encouraging change, and being thoughtful.
Focusing on the Future Leaders and Its Children
Each generation adds a new type of individuality to culture.
Our Founding generation started our American heritage.
In more recent history, the Greatest Generation (World War II era) helped increase the American work ethic. They lived in a society with mass uncertainty when 2 great powers threaten their existence.
The Baby Boomers (post World War II) facilitated:
- epic road trips
- personal computers
- started new waves of activism
Generation X and Y continue to make their mark with technology.
Generation Z represents our future leaders. It is important to guide them and celebrate their bright future. As children mature, they beg for your attention. Because they want positive reinforcement as their individuality develops.
The future of America are children. What kind of world do you want them to live in? LEARN MORE as I compare individuality vs conformity and discuss the differences.
Quick Tips on How to Build and Navigate Your Individuality
1. Wake up early to develop your sense of self
This is the essential part of celebrating you. Waking up early allows you “you” time. The early morning light is incredible. I’m the most productive in the mornings. You are too!
2. Give yourself a good wink in the mirror
If you like what you see, embrace it. If you don’t, love what you have and make changes.
3. Embrace your values with vigor
As I’ve mentioned, you develop your values through experience and time. Celebrate yours by enjoying a sweet treat of your choosing.
Individualism in Society
These are the elements of individuality and individualism in society.
Defines Culture
Learning your roots is essential to understanding individualism.
In the 18th century, monarchies ruled Europe. The kings and queens of the day didn’t consider you an equal. You bowed to them and humbly asked their permission. No personal autonomy or individuality existed.
I couldn’t imagine living in a world with no human rights to determine your own path.
Our Founders studied human history. They wanted to rid of that horrible anti-freedom system. And through a magic button, individualism appeared.
The final result means society exists for you. You don’t exist to please society. However, your generosity based on your free will is always appreciated.
Culture is often confusing. LEARN MORE by reading my post American Culture.
Defines Political Boundaries
Individualism is a political way of thinking about the world. Thus, it will naturally lead the discussions on government and constitutional issues.
One concept associated is human rights.
A big issue in today’s landscape is privacy. You don’t like your neighbors staring over your backyard fences. Consequently, you don’t want the government spying on your phone conversations.
You want your individuality protected. And individualism defines those political boundaries with human rights.
Also, our founding documents teem with autonomy. The Constitution guarantees political equality and dignity before the law. Other countries around the globe yearn for these freedoms.
“Constitution guarantees political equality and dignity before the law.”
A freedom criticized is the 2nd Amendment. Rugged individualists protect this right of equality too.
Also, the political opposite is collectivism. This term embodies multiple other ideologies such as:
- communism
- fascism
Societies organize their identity around these ideologies sparking conflict.
America fought many wars protecting your independence and rights as United States’ citizens. And the defense continues today.
The U.S. is a haven for liberty and freedom!
Helps define economic means
Economics involves the exchange of goods and services that you use in your day-to-day life.
What will you select off the grocery store shelf today?
Will you buy blueberries, strawberries, or a mixture? Your economic individuality could pick both if you wanted.
There are a wide variety of goods to choose from. And grocery stores are one of the best examples of economic freedom. Goods from all over the world appear like magic on your local shelf.
It is the ultimate form of individuality. Businesses cater to your needs. If you didn’t want the pack of cookies or Oreos, they wouldn’t exist.
Businesses compete for your loyalty. Advertisers want more information about their consumers’ distinctiveness.
Why are they always sending you ads to “Take this quick survey”?
In exchange, you receive a coupon for those cookies. 50 cents off… Whoo-hoo!
In this grocery example, self-interest is the underlying economic principle. Ayn Rand- a famous and criticized philosopher- promoted self-interest. Her utopia consisted of unrestricted capitalism. Her novel Atlas Shrugged demonstrates this idea.
Critics despise the notion of self-interest. Their solution is more government intrusion to correct society’s wrongs. Your individuality disappears with this line of thought.
This economic part of individualism is controversial. LEARN MORE about it by reading article my Individualism: 2 Systems.
Prevents Tyranny from the Masses
No one and I repeat no one will destroy my or your rights.
This is the essence of tyranny. Your rights disappear. Keeping your individuality requires strong personalities.
Tyranny of the majority wishes to destroy personality through mass conformity.
“Tyranny of the majority wishes to destroy personality through mass conformity.”
J. Liberty
Everyone thinks they’d be the world’s best dictator curing all the problems. Through the use of force, they’d install their master plan to destroy individualism.
All dystopian novels- such as 1984- show this. A group of powerful people seizes control of society to dominate the populous.
American individuality is the guiding source of individualism. It affects parts of your life you didn’t know.
Your culture, politics, and identity intermingle with your freedom to pick your destiny.
We discussed the difference between individuality and identity. We related these concepts to our overarching societal theme.
I also gave you some quick tips on preserving your creativity.
Don’t underestimate your influence. You impact how American society and government operate. Your input affects the outcomes derived.
What aspect of society interests you the most?
J. Liberty
Kateb, G. (2003). Democratic Individualism and Its Critics. Annual Review of Political Science, 6(1). 275-305
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