If the Constitution could tell a story around a campfire, what would it say? I know it is hard to visualize a talking document. But, objects talk all the time in movies so why not here?
It could grab your attention and say, “Hey you… Come over here for a second away from the fire. I have something important to discuss with you. What are some changes that need to be made to me?”
The Constitution could also brag to everyone about the multitude of success stories that it has had over the years. Either way, the stories would be juicy and interesting.
With that said, the Constitution has both positive and negative stories to share. We need to realize that the U.S. Constitution is a robust document protecting fundamental aspects of our culture. Your world would look a lot different without the governmental limits imposed by it.
All the pros and cons are listed below for you to further discover what stories this famous document has to tell:
Limits Power of Different Factions
One of the best qualities of the Constitution is that it limits power to different government branches, politicians, and groups.
Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, and Federalism are concepts restricting the government’s power over the people.
Remember, the government serves the people.
Tyranny exists in this world. LEARN MORE about the safeguard to human nature within the Constitution.
Protects Liberty
Your basic dignity and fundamental constitutional rights are enshrined. The rights listed under the Bill of Rights and other amendments are natural rights recognized at birth.
Having the ability to speak out without fear of retribution is a civil liberty many people forget to cherish.
Amendment Process to Change

As we know, you find faults in many parts of life. The Constitution is no different. We do know the Constitution does a marvelous job controlling politicians’ demonic tendencies.
Luckily for us, there is an amendment process to change a grievance with our founding document. The process involved to change is not easy because the Founders didn’t want citizens changing government on whims of emotion.
Slow Process
After having discussed the amendment process, we must examine the slow process involved in amending this document.
The Constitution was written during the height of the Enlightenment. This epoch became known as the “Age of Reason”- not the “Age of Emotion.”
We see events charged by mass media coverage fueling the fires of drastic change. The Constitution amendment process is the roadblock to the quick change of fiery passion.
For instance, you need either:
- 66% of each House of Congress must propose amendments or;
- 66% of states must propose amendments
Once amendments are proposed and en route to becoming enshrined, they must have a 75% vote of state legislatures or states involved in the Constitutional Convention to pass.
All of this information is in Article V here.
Promotes Compromise
There are hefty percentages presented above to have new amendments approved. Can you imagine the amount of negotiation required to reach agreements of 75% approval?
Most presidents don’t even reach that level of approval when in the White House. Just to give you an idea of the amount of cooperation needed, here is a chart of presidential approval ratings below:
President |
Dates in Office |
Average Approval Rating |
Harry Truman |
1945-1953 |
45.4% |
Dwight Eisenhower |
1953-1961 |
65.0% |
John Kennedy |
1961-1963 |
70.1% |
Lyndon Johnson |
1963-1969 |
55.1% |
Richard Nixon |
1969-1974 |
49.0% |
Gerald Ford |
1974-1977 |
47.2% |
Jimmy Carter |
1977-1981 |
45.5% |
Ronald Reagan |
1981-1989 |
52.8% |
George H.W. Bush |
1989-1993 |
60.9% |
Bill Clinton |
1993-2001 |
55.1% |
George W. Bush |
2001-2009 |
49.4% |
Barack Obama |
2009-2017 |
47.9% |
Donald Trump |
2017-2021 |
41.1% |
Presidential Approval Ratings | Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends
Protects from Mob Rule

I hear the complaints and moaning about the electoral college being outdated. “This archaic system must go!” shouts the college student at a rally. I will be the first to tell you that I use to think pure democracy was the way to go before I started studying human nature.
I don’t want to be ruled by mobs of people claiming to have the moral high ground. That’s what happened during the French Revolution. Being guillotined by angry people doesn’t sound fun to me.
Mob rule means only a few select high population states decide what is best for all the other 46 states with lower populations. The electoral college is a system providing a guard against mob rule mentality.
Prevented Mass Instability in the U.S.
When you think of unstable countries, scenes of destruction, despair, and lawlessness come to mind. Thankfully, the stability of the United States prevented revolution after revolution.
The Executive Branch is tasked with supplying law enforcement agencies so criminals don’t become too brazen. People invest in their neighborhoods, communities, and cities when there is stability.
All of this investment spurs economic growth causing a wave of confidence not only in your country but in your founding documents.
2 Houses to Congress to Satisfy Different Personalities
For those that like quick justice and legislative initiative, we have the House of Representatives (HOR). This House satisfies the mob rule types wanting “Action Now!” Hence, that’s the reason the House of Representatives passes legislation in days, or hours, and not weeks.
Now, let’s look at the Senate.
If you are wondering where reason and slow, deliberate legislation happen, look no further than to the Senate. Senators are regarded as wiser and have more political influence than representatives in the HOR.
Look through media history on YouTube or some other media. You will find headlines of legislation stopped in the Senate. The Constitution designed the government that way so the Senate represents thoughtful, non-emotional thinkers in today’s society.
Originally, Senators elected state legislators until the passage of the 17th Amendment. This amendment reverted the election of senators to voters.
To sum up:
House of Representatives:
- Fast justice and legislation
- Satisfies emotional quick, personality types
- Slow deliberate, body for rational legislation
- Satisfies thoughtful, non-emotional personality types
The Preamble is Eloquently Written
52 famous words… That’s the Preamble.
“We The People” are engraved on many statutes honoring the founding of this country. I call these the purpose and summary words of the Constitution.
You have a quick glance at the “whole thoughts” of the founders.
Constitution Related Articles:
- Like the Sun, the Constitution is America’s core. LEARN MORE about the fundamental goals of our supreme document.
- 3 words to provide meaning to a whole country. LEARN MORE about “We the People” and its actual meaning. I go from past to present.
Mandates Federal Protection from Invasion
America’s enemies aspire to destroy our way of life. They’re either envious, jealous or desire to overthrow the American government.
Fortunately, America has a capable fighting force to thwart and defend against potential invasion plans.
Comes with Guidebook to Help Decipher Interpretation

Before you travel somewhere, you do one of several different tasks. Either you look online or in a travel guide for the best sightseeing adventures at your destination. This guide becomes your bible along your journey. You only want the best memories on your epic trip.
The Federalist Papers are the Constitution’s guidebook along its journey to secure America’s present and future. There are 85 individual papers to answer your questions about American history.
Only 27 amendments in over 200 years
Do you know how many times I have pressed the backspace key while typing these blog posts? I guarantee way more than 27 times to craft the best content for my readers.
Having only 27 amendments is an astounding accomplishment and a definite pro of the Constitution.
Americans Support the Founding Constitutional Principles
If you question my next point, you haven’t seen the tenacity Americans show when an idea threatens their Constitutional rights.
Again, all you have to do is look at media coverage of protests against bad legislation for a present-day example. Americans show up in mass to mandate those protections.
No Titles of Nobility
How do you want to address your neighbor across the street? King or Queen ________
In today’s society, people use those terms to project humor or are sincere about being called King or Queen.
Titles of Nobility are absent in today’s government. Equality is the reason.
By having no special titles disseminating between King or Queen, the “People’s Government” projects louder.
Your politicians are your equal- not your superior. They should be held to the same standards and laws-like you. Equality!
19th Amendment
The 19th amendment states the right of every American citizen to vote regardless of physical appearance. The only caveat is that you must be an American citizen.
Concise Document
When you look at many government documents, they have the official seal at the top, and then you see the page count. I don’t want to read 150 pages of dry text.
The Constitution is a concise document being it decides the fate of the whole country.
What’s the corresponding document to the Constitution? LEARN MORE about how I contrast and compare its brother. What other document could it be?
Ignored by Politicians

Have you ever been ignored by someone that you love? It is annoying and emotionally painful.
That same feeling of frustration and hurt applies to politicians ignoring enshrined duties and responsibilities in the Constitution.
While a minority of Americans believe that our founding documents are outdated and desire to move to other countries, they still remain an American citizen.
The politicians cater to this group of anti-American haters encouraging them to support a more communist or collective-style government. One for the elites and not “We The People.”
Yes, I know the Constitution is only a piece of paper. Yet, it is an exceptionally important document. It holds the secrets and hints necessary for our society to function. An important document shouldn’t be belligerently disregarded by politicians sworn to uphold our values and traditions.
Lots of Latitude for Interpretation
Reading requires 2 subtle skills:
- You must understand the words you read
- Next, you must summarize what you read to understand the concepts
Lawyers are no different when it comes to deciphering what the Constitution both means and says.
Over the years, several different methods of interpretation have arisen. It depends on what you want the outcome of court cases and legislation to be.
Had to add the Bill of Rights
Alexander Hamilton argued in Federalist 84 that a Bill of Rights existed in the original text of the Constitution. 10 additional amendments made the Constitution look weak.
“The truth is, after all the declamations we have heard, that the Constitution is itself, in every rational sense, and to every useful purpose a Bill of Rights.”
Alexander Hamilton- Federalist 84
Why add extra fluff to the original document?
We are all glad to this day that other founders pushed to include a Bill of Rights to spell out in plain English our natural rights. If we had stuck to the original text, who knows what would have happened?
Doesn’t Promote Fiscal Responsibility
Giving someone a blank check is scary. A credit card is your blank check if managing money is a difficult task for you.
Congress manages our money. But, as we know, who the heck knows where it all goes? It disappears as fast as croissants at a baker’s convention.
Our Constitution discusses showing:
“a regular Statement and Account of Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time” Article 1: Section 9
That language does not give confidence nor a mandate to Congress to be forthright and completely open to the public about expenditures.
A Constitutional amendment mandating a balanced budget is the only remedy. Remove all “soft language” about money. That means removing words like “from time to time.” Firm controls on Congressional spending are necessary.
No process to Shrink Federal Government and Authority
“Big Government” equals “Big Control,” “Big Brother,” and “Big Problems.”
Yes, I know the 10th amendment reverts all powers to the states that aren’t explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.
It hasn’t stopped the sensational appetite for growing authority by adding agency after agency. The goal is to have a government be more like a friend instead of a formidable foe.
Passage of the 18th Amendment

Prohibition and the 18th amendment became a great blunder.
The 21st amendment was passed to repeal an amendment that had been through a rigorous approval process. Somewhere somehow the fires of passion convinced the populous to pass prohibition.
The passage of the 18th amendment caused more crime than it prevented.
We had the following:
- A drastic increase in crime
- Entire underground societies of what would have been law-abiding citizens
- A persona of the bootlegger glorified as heroes
We all make mistakes including passionate people who wanted to help save people from their bad habits. This is, yet, another example of “Big Government” getting in the way of regular citizens’ private decisions.
Government repealed the 18th Amendment. LEARN MORE about what amendment activists want to repeal now.
Failed to Abolish Slavery
Slavery wasn’t abolished with its adoption. That’s a great tragedy.
Many Americans, however, were involved in abolitionist groups to reduce and eventually abolished the practice.
Printed Sources
Cassirer, E. (1951). The Philosophy of the Enlightenment. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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