Individualism is one of those words having positive and negative associations. Knowing what it means helps you understand American political ideology.
For clarification, principles are different from values. Principles never change with time and are strong- like the Empire State Building. Moreover, values change with cultural norms.
Below I will teach you the essential laws of individualism and how they view the world. These core principles define American individualists.
As the famous John Adams stated:
Always stand on principle… even if you stand alone.”
John Adams
1. Individualism for your Fellow Human Beings
Meaning: Individuals promote goodness to society.
Affiliation: Social
This individualistic principle is referred to as normative individualism– or universality. Others call it the ethical version of individualism. Either way, this quality helps to redeem individuals. They do have morals.
Critics say that individuals “only care for themselves.” That’s not true.
You can be unique and care for others.
People have a personal obligation to pursue their goals. But the question is how to achieve your ethical goals while caring for others?
That’s where the “no-harm principle” takes priority. You’re free to pursue your goals as long as you don’t harm anyone in the process. Philosophers such as John Stuart Mill preached this concept in his book On Liberty.
Different efforts yield results that aren’t equal. And some become dissatisfied with the unequal results.
Thus, social justice movements arise. Their goal is to raise the social equity of the perceived injustice. They despise individualists and have an unmatched hatred for them.
I’m here to say that individualists do care about others. It is part of our motto. We want to see nothing but the best for society and us.
There is a human side to individualism. And it starts with this principle.
2. Personal Responsibility
Meaning: You accept control for your decisions- whether good or bad.
Affiliation: Social
Acknowledging what’s in your control is a core principle of individualism. There is no room to blame others for outcomes within your power. The victimhood mentality disappears because you’re criticizing yourself if you fail.
Yes, personal responsibility is a scary concept. It requires a different mindset if you’ve never pondered it.
You must stop and think about a cause/effect relationship.
What happens if I do this:
All is not bad with personal responsibility. You have one of the best concepts in life associated with it. That’s FREEDOM.
It is liberating to think of endless possibilities. And these chances bring tremendous rewards.
If you succeed, your self-awareness and self-esteem improve. If you fail, it sucks. But with time, you’ll regroup. You’ll have another chance at making your failure into a success.
Personal responsibility puts you in control. You’re the one scoring the goal and not the spectator. The crowds cheer for you.
How do you fit into U.S. individualism? LEARN MORE about American individualism culture.
3. Freedom of Choice
Meaning: You can decide what is best for you without coercion or interference.
Affiliation: Social
Personal responsibility and freedom of choice build on each other. They have many similarities. After accepting accountability, your viewpoints and decisions adjust to what is best for you.
Also, your decisions impact others you love. Individualism considers your neighbor. Making tough decisions has consequences. I’m not saying you always have to throw away your values for everyone else. I’m reminding you to be aware.
Let me give you an example.
Your bosses, teachers, or political positions of power require hard decision-making. They must consider how their decisions affect:
- Their employee
If your boss lays you off, he/she is deciding in their and the company’s self-interest. They don’t have a personal feud against you. Your company can’t afford to pay you a salary anymore. In the future, you’ll be able to work there again when their financial situation improves.
- Their students
For students, your time is valuable growing up. You want to play with your friends and enjoy life. Yet, an education provides upward mobility for the future. Homework isn’t fun. Your teachers must decide how much free time your homework assignment should consume.
- Citizens
Government decisions impact us as a society. If politicians restrict our freedom of choice, individualists protest the bad public policy decisions. They want to maintain this freedom. It’s important.
Decisions you make today impact others tomorrow. Make them with grace and understanding!
What are the ideals of liberty America wants the rest of the world to know? LEARN MORE about the ones I describe them with article American liberty.
4. Provides a Sense of Self
Meaning: You better understand your wants and desires.
Affiliation: Social
A sense of self identifies who we are as a person. You decide some of the following:
- Your sense of style
- Your personality
- Your thoughts
- Your feelings
- Your friends
You decide your destiny by becoming your own storyteller. Think of a narrator in an autobiography. It sounds like Morgan Freeman narrating a documentary about your life. But it’s you.
Here is an example of what I mean.
After you discover your sense of self, you discover self-reliance. Relying on yourself to follow through provides further development of your individualism.
American culture is big on self-reliance. It allows you a more worry-free life. You gain:
- Confidence
- More freedom
- Autonomy
If you’re late to work and need to change your tire quickly, you perform the task without hesitation and with unmatched efficiency.
A sense of self gives you the confidence to accomplish tasks. But you must first try them yourself.
Losing your sense of self is not fun. LEARN MORE how you lose your individuality in my 3-step process.
5. Economic Mobility and Freedom
Meaning: You have the individual freedom for upward economic mobility. This is done by entering into a system of voluntary stable contracts.
Affiliation: Economic
This principle contains several parts of the free-market system for economic individualism. We will discuss the overall topic and the roadblocks to mobility. Numbers 6-9 on our list discuss more specific economic aspects of economic mobility and freedom.
- Centralization
Centralization hinders people’s ability to achieve their financial dreams. It destroys local organizations’ resources and moves them away from the problem.
Helping people move forward requires a layered approach. Organizations under one structure don’t possess the required individualization to benefit.
- Income inequality
Critics of economic individualism declare “income inequality” as the primary roadblock to success. People in lower socioeconomic areas have a harder time climbing out of the hole. They need serious intervention to achieve progress.
What if the local organizations disappear? Isn’t centralization the real enemy?
Karl Marx and his followers are one of the biggest threats to economic freedom. LEARN MORE by reading my analysis on Marxists hatred for individualism.
6. Private Property – More than Just Real Estate
Meaning: Being able to own and manage your possessions
Affiliation: Economic
As you glance across a beautiful landscape filled with small farms or city skylines, this is private property. Individuals own the farmland or the buildings you observe.
Property doesn’t always have to be physical real estate. It can be intellectual property or labor. You have a job and receive a paycheck as a result of your time and work.
Your income is your property once you earn it. If we go to our above definition of overall economic mobility, you entered into a voluntary contract with your employer. Thus, they owe you compensation for your work.
I stress this fact because many people don’t think of this aspect of private property. Most of us relate to having a job.
For your own trivia knowledge, I’m talking about the labor theory of private property. John Locke- an Enlightenment philosopher- coined this idea.
7. Competitive Spirit
Meaning: A contest to achieve the best enterprises among a sea of other great contenders.
Affiliation: Economic
Competition drives innovation.
Do you like the new iPhones, computers, and gadgets that debut every year?
They exist due to competition. Businesses must improve their products to survive in the free-market system. Empty storefronts are the casualties of competition.
Individuals start businesses with the hopes of succeeding. But they must have personal responsibility and economic creativity to inspire their dreams.
Yes, competition is cruel. You feel like everyone is trying to outdo each other. Driving yourself to your personal best benefits the world.
Embrace the competitive spirit and show humanity what you create! We will thank you. I know you can do it!
Is it just competition that promotes individualism? LEARN MORE by reading my article on what causes a rise in individualism?
8. Rule of Law
Meaning: No one is above the law and everyone stands on an equal footing. A stable business environment needs a sense of order.
Affiliation: Social and Economic
Social Benefits:
“There shall be one rule of Justice for the rich and the poor; for the favorite in Court, and the Countryman at the Plough.”
Samuel Adams- The Rights of Colonists
Samuel Adams said it the best. Justice requires all individuals and citizens to be held to the same standard. This provides equal opportunities for every single person.
Law enforcement, lawyers, judges, and politicians aren’t above you or me.
Remember, individuals take personal responsibility for their actions. People in positions of power need restrictions. The rule of law provides those boundaries.
We all know what happens with untamed power. It expands to levels not acceptable to a liberty-loving society. And is dedicated to preserving our freedom.
Economic Benefits:

The word “free” in “free market” sounds like there aren’t restrictions. Yet, the rule of law sets regulations for markets. They need to be fair to businesses and competitors involved.
When you think of lawless markets, I think of a marketplace with chickens, livestock, and animals roaming free. That’s not a good visual. Your money is literally and figuratively running away from you.
Law and order, cleanliness, and stability are requirements for businesses to function.
Individuals depend on them for survival.
9. Individual Rights
Meaning: People have rights based on natural law. They’re outlined in the United States Constitution.
Affiliation: Social, Political, and Economic
These rights encompass all the affiliations above.
We need them for social and individual cohesion. They protect individuals from being alienated.
Political protections are important in dealing with the rule of law. We have the right not to self-incriminate ourselves. Respectfully speaking your mind is a key fundamental right in a democracy.
Our economic rights secure happiness and survival.
Are these principles you live by? I know you are individualist even if you claim not to be. We all have a desire to express ourselves.
J. Liberty
Collectivist principles differ than individualist ones. LEARN MORE as I compare and contrast individualism vs collectivism. I give you snippets of the variations in economics, politics, and culture.
Print Sources:
Levin, Y. (2016). The Fractured Republic: Renewing America’s Social Contract in the Age of Individualism. New York: Basic Books.
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