Americans have weird values and habits! You want to know what they all mean. You search and search with no answer.
Whether you’re a student in school, an immigrant figuring out a new culture, or an American, look no further than here.
I will explain all you need to know. Below you will find aspects of how Americans view:
- Love
- Work
- Government
Warning: There are some negative traits mixed in.
1. Natural Love
You have the choice to pick who you love based on how you feel. There are straight and gay couples.
We do not have the following:
- A caste system telling you who to love
- Arranged marriages
Many cultures organize their marriages to connect powerful families. No one mentions if the couple loves each other. Monarchs used this practice to keep the peace between nations. They arranged marriages for their son or daughter.
- Weddings occur all over America in whatever form you desire.
2. Generosity

Helping others is a sign of people who care. Our world is an unforgiving place. We shouldn’t make it harder.
Celebrities become famous for their philanthropy. Yet, the average American gives too. The little guy should receive credit. According to the National Philanthropic Trust, individual Americans donated $326 billion in 2021. Americans make donations through crowdfunding or direct contributions.
Also, religious and specialized groups send aid. People volunteer their expertise in places around the world needing it.
- Church helps their local community.
- Doctors and other medical staff travel to rural parts of the world to offer medical care
3. Punctuality
As the automobile grew in America, arriving on time for your activities became crucial. Punctuality keeps your busy schedule intact.
Big cities are the best example where punctual culture thrives.
- People scurry around looking at their watches in big cities such as New York and Chicago.
Americans look at watches all the time. How does that fit into American Culture? LEARN MORE and read my article about American Culture: Customs.
4. Science and Discovery
Innovation is the foremost way to advance society. Without it, the lights don’t stay on.
The United States economy is service based. Iconic heavy industry is no more. Empty manufacturing plants mark America’s landscape.
Instead, we develop technology, research groundbreaking medical techniques, and new services. The United States has the most billionaires for a reason. Discovering new ideas pays well.
- New vaccines
- Technological advancements made in Silicon Valley with companies as Apple, Google, etc.
- Gig economy companies as Uber, Lyft,
5.Tenacity and Persistence
With hard work comes great rewards. If you tell us we will fail, we will prove you wrong!
If you work and grind to accomplish your goals, there will be a point when you achieve some satisfaction. Success won’t happen all on its own without your input.
Great ideas come to life with the passion of tenacity and hard work.
We are big on self-help. Have you ever seen that section in an American bookstore? Go check it out if you haven’t.
- Dreams come true
- Goals achieved
6. The Impossible is Possible (American Dream)

America is the land of endless opportunities. Dreams impossible in other parts of the world come true when you’re given the chance at success.
Everyone has a different version of the American Dream. Higher incomes in America provide an increased standard of living.
Let me stress this! While you can achieve this dream, it is not guaranteed.
- Owning your house
- Providing for your family without stressing over money
7. Friendliness and always Smiling
Depending on where you travel in the United States, you’ll experience different levels of friendliness.
Urban legend states that bigger cities aren’t as willing to help you. They have places to be. Smaller cities have friendlier folks who like the slower pace of life.
Overall, Americans are a friendly bunch. Your conversations will last longer than you anticipated. Be prepared to sit down and have a cup of coffee when chatting with us.
Friendliness means skipping the formalities. We want to know your story.
- Give good directions
- Longer conversations
- Ask too many personal questions at times
8. Individualism
In liberty philosophy, the individual is supreme to the collective. Our Constitution enshrines individualism by having a Bill of Rights. These rights are guaranteed to each American citizen regardless of beliefs.
Families are important aspects of American culture. We view a family as a collection of individual personalities. Each have their own gift to the world. Everyone is different.
Also, this rugged individualism makes people direct and opinionated. They’ll tell you the truth without giving you false clues of acceptance. You’ll know upfront where you stand in their eyes.
- Your local mall where you see the person dressed in bright flashy weird clothes
- The loud family member at reunions
9. Patriotism-keeping Embers Alive

Every American recognizes that without patriots to keep a daily watch, freedom is at risk.
- Patriots are the ones that carry the flag onto the battlefield.
- Patriots are loyal to their country.
- Patriots respect the flag.
- Patriots recognize faults and fix them.
- Patriots are defenders of the honor, culture, and traditions of America.
- Anyone who believes in the above requirements
Great ideas come to life with the passion of tenacity and hard work.
J. Liberty
10. Privacy
Privacy is essential. We don’t like the feeling of someone spying on us. Because it makes us uneasy.
Americans love their personal space. There is an undisclosed “3-foot rule”. In short, don’t crowd your neighbor by standing too close to them.
Also, security versus safety is an issue when you mention privacy in political conversations. Constitutional amendments allude to privacy. But, the Constitution doesn’t address it directly.
Americans don’t want their data stolen or used for mischievous purposes.
Why do you close the door before you go to the bathroom? Privacy!
Protect your privacy always and forever!
- Police need a warrant to enter your residence to search for evidence
- Your home is your castle, and the government must have a big reason to intrude
- Don’t stand too close to other people
11. Control
Have you ever been successful at stopping an approaching thunderstorm? You can’t wave your hands in the air expecting the clouds to dissipate. Hint: They won’t disappear.
This is the kind of control Americans think they possess. Nature is hard to tame, and you or I can’t stop what it gives us.
What can you control?
Control how you:
- React
- Think
- Act
- Worrying about things you can’t influence
12. Equality
Everyone is equal before the law. This helps make daily life fairer dealing with legal matters.
Kings or queens never ruled in America.
In our Constitution, the Founders outlawed titles of nobility. Politicians could NOT be referred to as:
- Sir/Lady
- Duke/Duchess
- King/Queen
Eventually, all politicians will be private citizens again like you or me subject to the same laws.
- The rich and poor both have representation in court
- Your boss will get a speeding ticket if hurrying to work
13. Law and Order

A country can’t prosper without law and order. We pay taxes to fund a police force bound by honor, valor, and duty to maintain stability in civil society.
Look around the world. You’ll see countries in financial ruin living in chaos without this fundamental trait.
- Americans don’t tolerate corruption
- A government bureau exists for every category of crime
- Secret Service- Handles counterfeiting
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)- Main domestic federal law enforcement agency
14. Democracy
In Western culture, the term democracy means a government chosen by the people. Although there are different versions of the word, this is the most basic definition.
America is a democracy where we participate. You and I keep the government honest. We don’t have dictators mandated to rule over us. We elect local, state, and federal representatives to vote in an assembly hall on our behalf.
Our representatives debate on topics and ask us – their voters- to let our voices be heard.
- State representatives
- Senators
- County board members
15. Materialism
This is a negative American trait. Consumerism is another word used for materialism.
Americans spend all their money as soon as they get it. When you hear the term “living paycheck to paycheck”, it means living well above your means.
Credit card companies make billions with interest rates above 20%. According to, we acquired over $925 billion of credit card debt in 2022.
Minimalism is a counter-movement against materialism. We must watch how that plays out.
- Cheap manufactured plastic goods at your local junk store
- People rent storage units to store all of their extra stuff
Knowing why American Values exist is important, LEARN MORE by reading my article on American Philosophy: Why.
J. Liberty
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