You have finally decided what you’re going to do for the day. The to-do list is written. The proper precautions have been taken. You get into your car to start your day, but the “Karen” next door says that you have too much freedom to do what you want.
“Karen” suffers from a phobia of too much freedom. They will become involved in every aspect of your life. To them, freedom is a burden to society. These are some of their most prominent arguments below on the disadvantage of too much freedom.
1. Too Much Risk
Walking down the sidewalk is risky. Driving a car is risky. If I fail, who will save me?
These are all possibilities of risk.
We are taught the risk/reward concept growing up. With big risk, there is big reward, and with small risk, there is small reward.
When you rely on yourself for independence, it is riskier. Entrepreneurs know that starting is a business does not automatically lead to millions in the bank.
Interdependence does not breed originality and new concepts. You are interdependent as a child, but parents want their offspring to blossom into a well-functioning adult in society.
Freedom is risky but…
But, when the myth that freedom is too risky, you lose. Risk is a part of life and freedom is the answer.
“Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned, and bought it for us, at the expence of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.” – John Adams
National Archives
The founders risked everything to ensure that freedom rang through America.
2. People Abuse Freedom
We have numerous protected freedoms in the Constitution. Yet, some people want to restrict the freedoms that are protected under the Bill of Rights.
To some, people abuse all these freedoms protected in the Constitution.
For example, will people abuse freedom of speech?
Some see freedom of speech as too open. While the known maxim of inciting violence toward under individual is restricted, should we restrict the ability to criticize someone’s views?
Restricting people’s ability to talk is abuse.
The United States has some of the least restrictive free speech laws in the world. Your local Karen wants to expand the laws to have laws against speech like many laws that you see in Europe.
Here is a list of other supposed abuses that critics have mentioned:
- Free access to weapons.
- I.e., firearms and knives
- Private property rights
- Does the government really have a need to tax a well that you dig on your own property?
- Freedom of movement
- Do you really need that extra large truck to haul such a tiny boat?
3. Eternal War
Does having too much freedom propagate war?
No, you have tyrants that desire war. War is the only method that keeps the tyrant’s grip on power. Their subjects view the dictator as a brave warrior involved in the “struggle”.
Without war constantly looming, their beloved leader is weak. Constant war brings destruction while prosperity arises with peace.
Any war propaganda depicting hiding in a bomb shelter as prosperity is not true.
More freedom equals peace due to the growth of people’s happiness. Equating eternal war to freedom is what a tyrant would say.
4. Smaller Governments Don’t Provide Social Programs
Many Karens want the governments to provide for their basic needs. The only way to accomplish that task is with BIG government spending and BIG government bureaucracy.
If you want to burn money, hand it over to Uncle Sam. He’ll waste it for you.

What do you consider the role of government?
- Should the government give UBI (universal basic income) to every citizen?
- Should the government feed you when you are perfectly capable of working (meaning of good mind and body)?
- Should the government provide health care to citizens?
These are the questions that you must ask to determine the basic function of government.
In a free society, social programs equate to the word socialism. The word “socialism” in American society has negative connotations.
You can have what I call “socialism light” or “heavy-handed authoritarian socialism”.
“Socialism light” is basic government services for the elderly or the handicapped.
“Heavy-handed authoritarian socialism” is the government controlling every aspect of your life. You know the government has achieved heavy-handed socialism when you’re miserable living under it.
LARGE and in-charge governments do not promote freedom. The social programs that governments provide are not an efficient use of resources. There is no freedom of choice- or thought- in your healthcare decisions.
5. Natural Liberty is a Lie
Is natural liberty a lie? You can’t see or touch liberty. “Freedom is an illusion” is another one of my favorites.
There must be some merit to the notion that natural liberty is a lie if it isn’t tangible. The Karens are wrong, wrong, wrong!
Yes, liberty is an idea. It is a powerful idea that many of our forefathers and foremothers believed in. To them, liberty is always alive.
We are born free to roam, to think, and to live our best lives. The only way for that to happen is through the idea of natural liberty.
When I go hang out with my buds, I hear them say that they are “living their best life”. This catchphrase depicts that without their natural liberty to do what makes them happy. We are miserable creatures in an unforgiving world.
We don’t want to live in an unhappy world full of Karens. Don’t go to them for advice to improve your happiness.
6. Intellectuals Can’t Enlighten You
If there is something that Karens want you to know, that is that their opinion is now law of the land. They’re enlightened with the knowledge and wisdom to guide you to eternal glory.
They are the true thinkers of society. Without their guidance, you will fail in life.
Having too much freedom to reason is an obstacle to their diabolical plan of world domination.
A concerning trend in recent years is blindly trusting experts. Politicians will take what “experts” say as truth. Experts have great power in affecting public policy. Their decisions lean toward anti-freedom measures.
Some recent examples are TV healthcare experts, TV moral crusaders, and TV Karens trying to institute that only they know what is right.
If you state an idea contrary to the popular narrative, the “fact-checkers” will destroy your credibility.

The Karens of World Domination will try to destroy your family life, financial well-being, and your self-esteem.
The time has come to stop trusting the elites (or Karens) without questioning their advice and taking back your liberty.
In an intellectual battle, the truth will always come to fruition. I’m just trying to prevent a deep downturn of lost knowledge and credibility to your average citizen.
7. No Community
The Karens will say that having too much freedom does not promote the feeling of community- or belonging. I beg to differ.
Having a sense of community is important to promote a healthy individual and country. Communities provide a support system when times are tough.
When promoting communities, you want to promote ones that are encouraging, uplifting, and engaging. These are the attributes that communities of freedom need to embody.
Freedom doesn’t suppress ideas but encourages their debate to bring crowds of people to form a community.
Sociology is a subject that I remember taking in college. I studied different types of communities, or subgroups, and the origins of their creation.
The biggest lesson of that class was that positive communities formed best when freedom rang throughout the culture.

You have communities form under authoritarian regimes. However, they only form to survive living under a harsh dictator for basic necessities. They are rarely engaging or uplifting.
In the end, the best communities form under freedom. They encourage more positive thinking and a feeling of hopefulness rather than misery.
You must have hope to live for the next day and communities based in freedom provide that.