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Altruism vs individualism: Are they in conflict?
You give all your effort into helping someone, now what? They thank you, and you never see them again. That’s altruism. In contrast, Individualism is seen as selfish. But is it completely? Altruism and individualism work in unity for the common good. According to the World Giving Index, the United

Individualism: Past to Present in U.S. History (Timeline)
Do 10 generations of individualists sound absurdly high to you? You’re included in the growing list of them. How do you fit into this puzzle of American Individualism? Individualism is an ideology stressing one’s own interest over the collective. Americans embodied this philosophy during the Revolutionary War to demand individual

Loss of Your individuality: How it happens?
Let’s say you’re flying carefree! All of a sudden you’re smacked by a giant fly swat and come crashing down. That’s what happens when you lose your individualism. You miss what makes you tick. Loss of individuality happens in a 3-step process. People feel oppressed, lose their passion, and conform

9 Principles of Individualism You NEED to know
Individualism is one of those words having positive and negative associations. Knowing what it means helps you understand American political ideology. For clarification, principles are different from values. Principles never change with time and are strong- like the Empire State Building. Moreover, values change with cultural norms. Below I will

American Culture: Learn our customs and traditions
All Californians aren’t hippies. Most New Englanders aren’t hostile. And yes, we do have a sense of style and know how to dress. Our goal is to describe essential American culture, customs, and traditions. Liberty is the defining aspect of typical American culture. It transformed the United States into a

Novel American Philosophy: Why think this way?
Bad advice flushes dreams down the toilet and reeks of failure. You’ve cried over lost romances and friendships. And they’re all from horrible advice. Immersing yourself in philosophy trains your mind to filter bad advice. American philosophy is an important part of that. American philosophy is a method for rational