My Embers

10 Practical Benefits of Owning Firearms
Whether you’re a hobbyist or a newbie, we enjoy the fancy parts of our 2nd Amendment. Fancy means exploring the newest gadgets or latest trends in firearms. For those of you who don’t share the same fascination, I’ll give you some guidance on firearm ownership. Many positives outweigh the negatives

Under Siege: 2nd Amendment Threats of Peril
A smokey city under siege is the vision people see when they chant “Save the 2nd!” And a cunning Trojan horse won’t save it. The 2nd Amendment is the annoying right adversaries want to abolish. As a fundamental right, public perception is the biggest threat to the 2nd Amendment. Social

Liberty’s Backbone: Why the 2nd Amendment Matters to You?
Talking newscasters tell you the 2nd Amendment should disappear. Why keep this outdated right? But you refuse to believe the bobbleheads. American citizens want the 2nd Amendment. It has deep cultural roots, empowers people, and many Americans believe it’s the most important of all amendments. The 2nd Amendment represents “We

6 Basic Goals of the Preamble Explained
Have you ever pondered the founding principles of the United States? The Preamble offers guidance to answer your questions. It serves as the primary outline for the Constitution’s purpose. We memorize these 52 words in school and spit them out so fast when prompted. Yet, we struggle to go into

Guns Gone: Life Without the 2nd Amendment
Fairytales have those warm, feel-good endings. But reality plays out differently than fiction. In a perfect world, no one would need a gun. That’s the gun control advocates’ ultimate utopia. They want a planet and a life without the 2nd Amendment. As a general rule, no 2nd Amendment means no

9 Key Characteristics of the Self-Reliant American
We all love the strong cowboy or the calm character in a movie. They’re usually the hero that saves the day. The reason you like them is their confidence and charisma. These characteristics are a hint of what a self-reliant individual is. The rugged individualist spirit is strong today like