My Embers

Security or Freedom: Franklin’s Conundrum
Would you give absolute control over to the government because you hastily close your front door one morning due to a spying drone? Ben Franklin would tell you to open your front door and face the drone threat. Ben Franklin’s essential liberty quote is a no-compromise saying to NOT give

Revolutionary “Common Sense” from Thomas Paine
Patriot Thomas Paine rallied the American colonists to declare independence from Great Britain with his pamphlet Common Sense. However, modern common sense is lacking in society. “The People” aren’t “woke enough” to liberty concepts. Modern common sense is having the ability to think, interpret, and present data from a variety

19 Proven Signs of Tyranny from the Declaration of Independence
Humans become smarter with time and technology, but animalistic instincts never change. Power draws people who seek to capitalize and abuse it. The Declaration of Independence gives us an insight into what past, present, and future tyranny might look like

Summary of Why We Should Care About the Declaration of Independence Today
The Declaration of Independence gave a proud middle finger to the overstepping British government. The colonists said no more and the “Don’t Tread on Me” style Gadsden flags soon appeared.

Prevailing Liberty Applications, Police Powers, and the Government?
Fear is the emotional response people gravitate toward when they don’t understand limits. We shouldn’t fear the police, but some do. We shouldn’t fear the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), but some do. The government perpetuates fear while being the strong-armed bully at times. Let’s dispel that fear by exploring applications of liberty with economics, the police, government, and social issues through the eyes of John Stuart Mill.

Liberty Lessons that Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About John Stuart Mill
Where would you be without the fundamental understanding of liberty?
Can you argue your liberty positions with facts? Wikipedia will not give you the best tools to explain it. You’ll only find that here with helpful hints from the writings of John Stuart Mill.