My Embers

7 Myths of “Disadvantages of Freedom” Challenged
You have finally decided what you’re going to do for the day. The to-do list is written. The proper precautions have been taken. You get into your car to start your day, but the “Karen” next door says that you have too much freedom to do what you want. “Karen”

The Founders: Reading, Writing, and Liberty
Do you ever look around a coffee shop to see people flipping through a crisp, new newspaper? Every coffee shop that I visit to type these blog posts, the bright glare of a screen keeps people’s attention. You don’t know if people are scrolling through pictures on Instagram or researching

Absolute Freedom Defined: The American Version
The Bureau of Land Management maintains over 245 million acres of undeveloped land in the Western United States. People associate vast open spaces with absolute freedom from any authority. Being further away from population centers guarantees more autonomy. Absolute freedom is a theoretical term used to describe what life would

How to Stand Up for Freedom: 5 Glorious Tips
Are you tired of being trampled over like a bulldozer demolishing a building? That’s how I feel when I see people’s rights, freedoms, and liberties destroyed. The pile of rubble represents people trying to pillage and plunder your freedoms. The goal is to prevent the pile of rubble from being

Do People Care About Freedom? True or False?
Lying in bed, I can hear the tick-tock of the analog clock. Time goes by slow or fast depending on how much you have available. I never have enough time with activities filling my daily roster. The general population loves the idea of having freedom, but they can’t define it.

Why Should You Be Free? Freedom Matters!
If you are reading this wondering ‘why you should be free,’ your education somewhere has been tainted. You deserve freedom and should respect the concept of freedom. It is precious! Having freedom and the ability to choose YOUR destiny makes you happier. Freedoms including religion, intellectual, political, and personal are