My Embers

We the People: America’s Identity Then & Now
A phrase wrapped in so much meaning. It’s the foundation of a country. Or is it? Some declare different ideas on the actual definition. “We the People” generally means the populous have sovereignty over the government. Its definition evolved to include all U.S. citizens. Constitutional scholars propose 2 further interpretations:

An In-depth Guide to Individualism vs Collectivism for you
In a boxing ring, individualism and collectivism would fight until one gained dominance. It would be a mess! On the political spectrum, they’re incompatible.This difference led to debates among philosophers, psychologists, and politicians. Individualism is a system that makes the self-supreme. It emphasizes capitalist principles of economic freedom and achievement.

7 America’s Dreams and Ideals of Liberty for the World
Have you ever gazed upon the Statue of Liberty wondering if she represents the freedom spirit? Generations of immigrants arriving on America’s shores saw her as an ember of hope. And her legacy helped develop the American experience. Liberty and freedom are two words related to natural rights, strong constitutional

Is it the Age of the Self And Individualism?
The world is full of selfie sticks and mirror pics. You interact with individualists like this every day in America with no conflict. Now, take that same interaction and move it to a collectivist country in Asia. How is that interaction different? Can you tell a rise in individualism between

Unraveling History: British Ties of America’s Founders
To figure out the Founding Fathers’ British influences, we must verify their birthplaces, associations, and loyalties. The Founders needed 100% allegiance to America-not the British Crown. This would be the first crucial step to achieving liberty and independence for the future United States. 17 of 152 Founding Fathers had British

The Scary Path to Repealing the 2nd Amendment
Is it possible to outlaw firearms in America? The only legitimate way is to repeal the 2nd Amendment. You must refine the governing Constitution. But let me warn you of the difficulty. Repealing the 2nd Amendment takes 67% of Congress to propose a new revision. Subsequently, 75% of state legislatures-