10 Practical Benefits of Owning Firearms

Photo of hunter in grasslands with firearm

Whether you’re a hobbyist or a newbie, we enjoy the fancy parts of our 2nd Amendment. Fancy means exploring the newest gadgets or latest trends in firearms.

For those of you who don’t share the same fascination, I’ll give you some guidance on firearm ownership.

Many positives outweigh the negatives of owning guns. Today, turn off your local news station to explore my post on the benefits of firearms.

1. Ultimate Source of Fun on a Cloudy Day

If you’re sitting at home bored with nothing to do, go to the gun range. You’ll have more fun and entertainment than you realize.

Personally, I prefer outdoor to indoor ranges due to their open surroundings. You can smell the beautiful flowers on a cool, spring morning. Indoor ranges lack a connection to nature.

Competition shooters also indulge in this recreational activity. It reminds them of why they wanted to pursue a professional firearm job. Enthusiasts don’t have the opportunity to shoot several times a week due to life constraints.

So, go ignite that spark of freedom and enjoyment by blowing off your range bag’s dust. You’ll thank me.

2. Provides a Challenge to Master Marksmanship

Frustration is often a way to foster improvement. Mastering the elusive bullseye from 100 yards away challenges you.

As you breathe and pull the trigger, the shot startles your senses. What story will the target tell? Did you make the mark?

Hesitating, you peek through your binoculars as you wonder where your shot hit.

Sadly, today is not your day. The target tells a different narrative. You failed to hit your objective. What a bad shot!

Your day continues with box after box of ammo with slow progress. Before you know it, you managed to hit within 2 circles of the bullseye. Eureka, you see improvement and motivation to come again another time.

As you shoot, the bar always increases to achieve perfection, which means a bullseye. And you’ll do what it takes to be consistent.

3. Maintains Pride in American Values

Do we have nostalgia problems, or is America in decline? Like the Romans, America could fail.

However, owning firearms gives you the pride and nostalgia needed to keep liberty’s embers alive. Past generations fought with their own arms to maintain what you see today.

Each day I wake up, I’m thankful for what I have living in this country. My pride and patriotism ignite thinking about our history no matter our faults.

We are a nation believing in a government run by “We the People”. Our Founders etched those words in our founding documents.

These ancient manuscripts represent American values of:

  • individualism
  • honor
  • civic participation

Firearms represent a nation able to protect itself to maintain longevity for Americans.

4. Social Activity Forming Community for 2A Preservation

Yearning for good conversation to stimulate your mind is a natural human tendency. Do you wonder where you meet these invisible firearm aficionados?

By simply going to a range, you’ll find people willing to lend a helping hand. They’ll give you advice and tips on various parts of owning firearms.

You’ll want to buy a bigger memory card for your phone. Because it will fill up fast with so many like-minded friends.

Moreover, we are all part of the same community dedicated to the 2nd Amendment’s preservation. The goal of your community is to present a positive public image of our rights.

Remember, the common denominator is our love for firearms.

Preserving the 2nd Amendment is critical. What are the threats to the 2A? LEARN MORE additional hazards to the 2A outside of the normal legislative initiatives.

Providing security where needed

5. Provides Security when Needed

By design, firearms shoot a projectile toward a target. Thus, we want them in the “good guy’s” hands.

“Good guys” are honorable citizens such as yourself.

If you’re reading this, you care about protecting people in your immediate vicinity. Family and friends are your priority.

I must emphasize an important point. You must carry your firearms legally. Protecting your family from jail is hard.

Whether you’re in your home or walking your dog, human nature strikes when you least expect it. Bad guys exist, and they want to cause you harm.

Don’t let them! Be the protector that a firearm allows.

6. Industry Always Changing and New Gadgets to Explore

As you scroll through YouTube, a new video catches your mouse’s click. The shiny thumbnail of a new scope compels you to watch.

You tell your “accountant” (aka- your spouse) that you desperately need this accessory to further your collection. Reluctantly, your “financial advisor” gives you the red stamp of approval to purchase this gadget.

Many times, there are too many accessories but so little time. I’ll be the first to congratulate you on your new item.

We find more examples of these fascinating gadgets at our local weekend gun shows. Check your local listings for information. I usually see big yellow billboards alongside the interstates advertising these gatherings.

Additionally, one of the biggest displays occurs in Las Vegas every January called SHOT Show. It never disappoints when you watch YouTube videos a week after the show.

I find items I’ll never buy or need, but I browse for free.

7. Feeds You and Supports Conservation

Deer, ducks, and quail make great supplements to your diet if needed. Our ancestors hunted these magnificent creatures.

Yet, only a small percentage of Americans participate in hunting. Approximately 4.6% of the population- or 15.3 million- received hunting licenses in 2022, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

While the percentages are small, I know people in rural areas rely on hunting for food. Different laws mandate different bag limits and caliber restrictions. Don’t forget to check them.

Also, hunting is a lifestyle. Hunters are some of the biggest conservation-minded people.

What happens if the hunting lands disappear? Your cheap food source migrates to better grasslands away from you.

Firearms and hunting cultures are equal. They support food and green spaces.

Younger generations learning about firearms safely

8. Relics of History and Each Tells Us a Story

From the Revolutionary War to the modern hobbyist, each gun tells a tale.

Many British soldiers feared American sharpshooters armed with Pennsylvania Rifles. The M1-Garand became an iconic symbol of World War II.

There is a society called the Garand Collectors Association. Their goal is to educate the public about the M1- Garand’s history.

Imagine if the Pennsylvania Rifle or M-1 Garand could talk. You’d hear epic tales of bravery and sacrifice.

Many other rifles are perfect for an enthusiast’s collection. Youngsters and future generations could learn about America’s history through firearm stories.

9. Makes You More Aware of Your Surroundings

Firearms require self-responsibility. And if you carry a firearm for daily protection, you understand the point I’m about to make.

In any firearm training class, they teach you to scan your surroundings. You deescalate and recognize potential problems before they happen.

Your goal is to never use your defensive tool. Thus, you want to prevent conflict through observation.

For instance, criminals love gas stations late at night. Scanning your four corners while stopped makes you aware of potential threats.

After some practice, it becomes a conditioned response. This firearm benefit keeps you engaged and from being a victim.

10. Become Less Scared of Firearms

What happens when you experience an idea or situation often?

Over time, you accept or adopt the situation exposed to you.

I understand people are afraid of firearms due to their lack of familiarity. They’re loud and a foreign commodity to many.

But fear disappears with education and understanding.

What happens when you sit a gun on a table and leave it? If no one else touches it, the gun won’t move.

Much of the misunderstanding of firearms stems from the human fear element. People with guns are scary.

Yet, once you’re around firearms regularly, they become part of your daily life. They aren’t this big scary mysterious item.

If you panic at the sight of a gun, go to a range with a friend. Be around firearms and your fright will dissipate.

What other benefits would add you to the list?

J. Liberty


Hunting Licenses, Holders, and Costs by Apportionment Year. (2023, August). Retrieved from U..S Fish and Wildlife Service.

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J. Liberty

I'm a constitutional advocate and a lover of American history. My goal is to share this knowledge in an engaging manner to make you think about freedoms we take for granted. I'm excited to announce the launch of my new YouTube channel soon. Go to the About Me for more information and a cool video.

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