Bad advice flushes dreams down the toilet and reeks of failure. You’ve cried over lost romances and friendships. And they’re all from horrible advice. Immersing yourself in philosophy trains your mind to filter bad advice. American philosophy is an important part of that.
American philosophy is a method for rational thinking and solving problems. Its popularity grew from the Founding Fathers. America’s founding documents display the premise of liberty and free thought. Others attribute this approach to a certain political mentality.
I like to apply it to my daily life. You can think of it as a political leaning. And you wouldn’t be wrong. But, philosophy like yoga is to engage the mind opening it up to new frontiers. Uncover these innovative ideas in my article in the subheadings below.
What do you mean by “American Philosophy”?
American philosophy favors a systematic approach to solving problems. By adopting this philosophy, you help free yourself of unwanted advice.
Much like you, America’s Founding Fathers waded through swamps of bad information forming this country.
While many Puritans opposed the looming revolution, Patriots influenced the Founders toward independence. These decisions couldn’t be made without a heavy burden. Life-altering consequences resulted:
- People lost their lives
- People’s current living status changed forever
Western Democracy developed from their actions. Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution represent the decisions our Founders made. Values of freedom, free thought, and human rights followed.
These values are now known as American philosophy. Please treat it with the kindness and respect it deserves.
Philosophy deals with how people think What’s the result of thought? Culture is the result. LEARN MORE and read my article on American Culture: Customs.
What’s in it for you?
My Own Story
The best way to relate this point is from my own experience.
Like many of you, I lacked confidence in traditional American philosophy. I shared the culture, customs, and traditions. Yet, in school, I ignored important issues outside my immediate influence.
I graduated and certain world events happened to prompt me to do my own research. People relinquished control of their lives to those who only cared about power.
Two words filled my head: “Never again!” We must speak up about our convictions.
That’s one reason I started this blog: to educate people about America and its founding- “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”.
Your Story Starts Here

If you live in America and are successful, you believe in pieces of American philosophy without knowing it. We all define success with different metrics. It doesn’t have to mean acquiring lots of money.
- You’re happy in your job
- You’re happy traveling around experiencing life’s surprises
- You’re happy with the status quo
American philosophy accepts all those outcomes as long as you’re satisfied and free. I know it took many small steps to achieve your current life position. Embrace it!
The journey tells your story more than specific metrics of success or outcome. Failure is part of that journey. It doesn’t always mean victory on the first try.
In your journey, the “American Dream” surfaced in your mind. That’s where our discussion leads next.
The American Dream isn’t Lost
Those searching for a better life yearn for the American Dream. Having talked to people around the world, it is alive and well.
The American Dream is having the opportunity to achieve what you want. Your children have the chance to enjoy a better life than previous generations.
I’ve discussed this with immigrants who’ve achieved their dreams. They adopted the American philosophy of liberty and free thought. Part of their strategy included ignoring all the negative advice from their family. I know that’s hard if you’re close to them. Sometimes you have to leap hoping for the best. You must commit!
Some want the dream of:
- Finding their voice
- Starting their own business/restaurant
- Buying a house
So, you might be thinking I’m full of it because you haven’t achieved your dream.
You’ll give me some of the following reasons for your failure:
- Extreme inequality
- Racial disparities
- Assumptions of freedoms that don’t exist
I hear you. But, do you try to go after your goals?
Part of American philosophy requires effort on your part. It demands motivation, and you are on the right path if you’re reading this article.
I can’t give you the American Dream. But, I want you to achieve it!
We must speak up for our convictions.
J. Liberty
After reading this, philosophy produces questions. That’s the nature of independent thought. You’ll be confident working through your decision-making process.
The Founding Fathers gained worldwide fame from their insightful actions to obtain independence.
The development of Americanism leads others to want the American Dream for themselves. It is possible with hard work and determination.
I gave you an example from my own experience. If you need more convincing or haven’t reached your goals, read some of my other articles about American government, philosophy, and the people responsible for it.
Reach out to me if you need further explanations! I assume you’ll be where you want to be one day.
And if you want to LEARN MORE about American values, you can read my article.
J. Liberty
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