It is hard to agree with your polar opposite whether personal or political. You both have different viewpoints on how the world works. Ayn Rand and Karl Marx are examples of complete opposites.
Rand is the unofficial “Goddess of Unregulated Capitalism” while Marx is the “Father of Communism”. Capitalism values the individual and the consumer as supreme. Communism emphasizes collective action while de-stressing individual freedoms. Leftists gravitate toward Marx. Right-wingers love Rand.
Marx is far more influential in world politics sparking many revolutions. One of Marx’s most famous works is the Communist Manifesto. Rand’s magnum opus emphasizing capitalism is Atlas Shrugged.
Why are they opposites? Let me tell you.
Overview of Ayn Rand’s Struggle
Rand overcame the Soviet Union and mass campaigns to discredit her. But she persevered and many see her as an inspiration.
Ayn Rand knew the horrors of Soviet Union collectivism. They caused mass chaos changing life for everyone. Armed men flooded the streets claiming revolution.
Amidst all this chaos, the Bolsheviks closed her father’s business. She read communist propaganda stating you should live for the state-not yourself. This became her first shift away from collective ideas and adopted individualism.
Her father moved the family to escape the ongoing turmoil brought on by the revolution. While some revolutions promised liberty, this revolution promised the complete opposite. It required mass conformity to the mob.
In this case, the mob consisted of the Proletariat. Marx discussed this worker’s revolution in his Communist Manifesto. His ideas remained unacknowledged for over 50 years until the Bolsheviks. This historical era became a case study to see the dreadful effects of his worker’s revolution.
Furthermore, Rand enrolled in the University of Leningrad and continued her education. She witnessed horror after horror:
- a hungry nation
- political purges to work camps- or gulags- in Siberia
- hopelessness

All this mayhem doesn’t make collective action appealing. What would you do if put in a situation like this?
Don’t become too comfortable where you are. Lost liberty ends up in chaos as I’m describing.
Thus, having enough of this unstable living situation, Rand longed for America. The Soviet Union represented prison.
Rand is a great example of an immigrant who viewed America as the “Land of Liberty”. She could pursue her life, liberty, and happiness if granted access. She believed in the fundamental American Founding Father principles.
After selling her jewelry to buy a ticket, Rand entered New York Harbor in February 1926.
Finally, she made it. With $50 to her name, she dreamed of being a screenwriter.
In the United States, she wrote many famous novels. They include Anthem and Atlas Shrugged. She also developed her Objectivism philosophy because of her freedom in America.
4 Main Pillars of Objectivism
Objectivism is Ayn Rand’s legacy. She dedicated her life to furthering this philosophy. There is the Ayn Rand Institute which provides free copies of many of her books to school children.
Her basic definition of objectivism is such:
Objectivism is a rational heroic individualism. A person’s happiness and productive achievement are the most fundamental parts of a person’s life.
Objectivism Basic Definition
Rand’s Objectivism includes 4 main pillars:
1. Objective Reality
Meaning: What you see is what you get. There is no room for interpretation.
If you see a blank canvas, that’s all it is- a blank canvas. Trying to fabricate your own reality is useless. It won’t happen.
2. Absolute Reason
Meaning: Reason provides clarity. It is a systematic process for understanding the world using logic.
Rand uses this as a guide to deciphering what’s true or not true. By using your knowledge, you’re able to survive and adapt to life.
3. Self-Interest
Meaning: Pursuing your own dreams and not sacrificing for the sake of others.
Many see this pillar of objectivism as being controversial. Finding your own path in life is reasonable. Rand is honest about it while others are secretive.
4. Laissez-Faire Capitalism
Meaning: Leave free markets alone, and the government has little to no involvement.
Governments sole action is to protect individual rights as mentioned in the U.S. founding documents. This method provides the individual with the ultimate freedom.
Karl Marx and Collectivism- A Brief Overview
Marx believed in the collective action of the working class. That’s what his sole focus mirrored in all his writings from the Communist Manifesto to Das Kapital.
He didn’t believe in individual sovereignty. To secure your future individuality, you sacrificed yourself to the collective and lynch mob.
As I mentioned above, Rand experienced the direct result of Marx’s theory in action. The lynch mob became her reality.
No Marx doesn’t mention that to achieve communism there will be bread lines or gulags. It is a direct result left to the interpretation of different revolutionaries. And these revolutionaries picked which political weapons they liked to use.
They selected:
- authoritarianism
- absolute conformity
- allegiance to a charismatic leader
All these results led to a loss of your individuality and freedom. There is no way around that.
People will argue about the humanism of Marx. They’re saying that his intentions sounded good. If you like being sucker-punched, believe Marx’s lies. You will receive constant black eyes if that’s your belief system.
Yes, not all revolutions end up as bad as the Soviet Union. It depends on the people running the revolution.
The American Revolution ended up with a country dedicated to liberty principles. The freedom doctrine influenced Rand. She moved away from her family to start a life in the United States.
Rand and Marx are polar opposites. Marx’s theories fool people into thinking they receive their true individualism once communism takes over.
That’s a lie like commanding your dog to stay as you abandon them alongside a road. The dog will stay thinking you’ll come back. But you won’t!
People think communism will provide the “good life”. But it won’t!
Karl Marx has left a stain on the world. LEARN MORE about his hatred for individualism.

Marx’s Communist Manifesto vs Ayn Rand’s Views
When you hear the term “manifesto”, it represents a negative connotation. You associate it with a criminal’s manifesto on why they committed a particular crime. And Karl Marx’s ideas represent criminal ideology. Dictators are a menace to society.
On the contrary, Rand loved the Declaration of Independence for its individual rights. It isn’t menacing and promotes a philosophy against oppressive dictators. Communism and the Communist Manifesto encouraged dictators to take over and nationalize industries.
Could you imagine calling the American founding documents the “American Manifestos”? It doesn’t sound good.
To clarify, the Communist Manifesto is a document promoting autocratic individual compliance. Rand’s objectivism promotes individual rights and liberty.
Which document do you identify with? The Communist Manifesto or the Declaration of Independence?
In Randian philosophy, she adopted many ideas portrayed in the Declaration of Independence. She wanted a clear and concise philosophy contrary to Marx’s communism.
I will now compare and contrast the big themes and differences in their ideas. You will see how they’re polar opposites.
This is not a comparison of the Declaration of Independence vs the Communist Manifesto. But a comparison of Marxist thoughts vs Randian thoughts.
Different Heroes- Working Class vs Capitalists
Good stories require a good and a bad guy. It is the first step to creating an epic relatable story. The good guy is the hero people always want to win. Think of your favorite movie so you can picture what I’m saying.
Marx’s hero is the working class. Rand’s heroes are the capitalists.
According to Marx, working-class individuals represent the poor. They’re victims unable to forge their path in the world. They must unite and become the heroes of the world by revolution.
Therefore, Randian portrays her heroes differently in her magnum opus Atlas Shrugged. The capitalists are innovative and seek out what they want. In short, they’re the creators and guardians of modern society. People look up to them out of admiration. The average capitalists want to produce good products to benefit society.
Capitalists hold true to the ideals of individualism.
Ayn Rand Related Articles:
• Collectivism is a subject Rand doesn’t shy away from. LEARN MORE on why she values individualism and stands against the tyranny of the collective.
• Altruism is supposed to be good, right? LEARN MORE about why Rand detests altruism. Yes, this is controversial subject many don’t explore. I give you insight on the why of the subject.
Abolition of Economic Freedom vs Unrestricted Economic Latitude
I suggest you read the Communist Manifesto. Because you will see the overall negativity Marx portrays throughout the whole pamphlet. He wants destruction.
He gives you a checklist of his goals for world domination.
Here is a brief insight into the destruction of economic freedom:
- abolition of private property
- heavy and overburdening progressive income tax
- abolition of inheritance
- centralization of businesses to the state
Looking at the above list is like someone kicking you and leaving you helpless. Yes, this is what Marxists want to do. They want to destroy your individual autonomy.
Rand wants to go the complete opposite way. She wants to allow your ultimate economic freedom to prosper with unregulated capitalism.
Capitalism provides choice and economic latitude to pursue your dreams. It is a voluntary exchange system.
- Your money is your money.
- You take ownership of your rewards and failures.
- You decide your destiny.
The only barrier is you. Rand achieved her “American Dream” via capitalism.
Ayn Rand detested collectivists. Karl Marx despised individualist capitalists. In essence, this is the big disparity between Marx and Rand.
Rand experienced first-hand the criminal policies of Marxist doctrine. She left the Soviet Union escaping to liberty in the United States. She saw the Statue of Liberty like many others entering America.
Her philosophy of objectivism became her greatest legacy. It puts individualism at the forefront instead of collectivism.
In comparison, Rand and Marx have different heroes. And they are polar opposites on economic freedom.
What kind of world do you want to live in?
Marx’s world consisted of a truly oppressive autocratic system banning individualism. Rand promoted liberty by letting you decide your individual choices.
Individualism has real backing. LEARN MORE about the principles of individualism.
What are some other polar opposites of Ayn Rand? I’ve heard Immanuel Kant is one. Are you an objectivist or just a liberty-minded person?
J. Liberty
Marx, K., & Engels, F. (2005. First English Edition 1888). The Communist Manifesto and Other Writings. In K. Marx, The Communist Manifesto and Other Writings (pp. 7-41). New York: Barnes and Nobles Classics.
Özpek, B. B. (2006). Ayn Rand Objectivism and Architecture (Master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University).
Raxton, M. (1998). Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life. Layton, Utah: Peregrine Smith Book published by Gibbs Smith.
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