Liberty Embers

"Stoking the Flames of Freedom"

About Me

I am a lover of liberty. My goal is to educate the public about what liberty is and does.
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We the People: then and Now

We the People: America’s Identity Then & Now

A phrase wrapped in so much meaning. It’s the foundation of a country. Or is it? Some declare different ideas on the actual definition. “We the People” generally means the populous have sovereignty over the government. Its definition evolved

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Photo of Boxing Ring representing individualism vs collectivism

An In-depth Guide to Individualism vs Collectivism for you

In a boxing ring, individualism and collectivism would fight until one gained dominance. It would be a mess! On the political spectrum, they’re incompatible.This difference led to debates among philosophers, psychologists, and politicians. Individualism is a system that makes the self-supreme. It emphasizes capitalist principles

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Photo of: The American Dream and the Statue of LIberty

7 America’s Dreams and Ideals of Liberty for the World

Have you ever gazed upon the Statue of Liberty wondering if she represents the freedom spirit? Generations of immigrants arriving on America’s shores saw her as an ember of hope. And her legacy helped develop the American experience. Liberty and freedom are two words related

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